
Friday, 2 March 2012

Nicaraguan Folkloric Dances

Nicaraguan is filled with rich Folkloric Dances, each region has its own flavor. In general, the Northern part of Nicaragua is influenced by Germanic influence, the Pacific Southern part by the Spaniards, the Eastern/Atlantic side by African & Caribbean influence. 

El Güegüense o Macho Ratón
El Güegüense o Macho Ratón is recognized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

El Gueguense:

It is a satirical drama between the Indigenous and Spanish culture.  The earliest texts were probably composed in the early eighteenth century. The story revolves around encounters between the Spanish colonial authorities and native Nicaraguans, represented particularly by the central character. A powerful elder figure in pre-Hispanic Nicaragua, El Güegüense, countered charges levelled against him by the colonial officials through a series of clever verbal manoeuvres. Rather than directly confronting or challenging an authority, he attempts to appear consistently cooperative and compliant, while utilizing subterfuge to undermine Spanish authority. Interspersed in street processions, the plays are generally performed by eight main characters supported by dancers. Violins, guitars and drums provide the musical accompaniment. Costumes, wooden masks, hats and other attributes differentiate the various characters. The tradition is familiar to most of Nicaragua’s predominantly Spanish-speaking population owing to the nationwide television coverage of the annual Saint’s Day procession.
Info was taken from UNESCO:

El Baile El Viejo y La Vieja (The old man and old woman dance)
El Baile El Viejo y la Vieja is a popular and lively dance, usually performed by two men, one dressed as a woman, the other as a man; both wear masks and they dance to the tune of the Marimba. 
Street performance:

El Baile de las Indita

El Baile de las Indita is a courtship dance between a Spaniard man and a native Indian girl. This is a typical dance performed during St. Sebastian’s Feast in Diriamba every January.  
Street performance from Diriamba:

El Grito del Bolo

Traditional dance from the Northern part of Nicaragua, the sound is a mixed of Polka (Germanic influence) with Nicaraguan flavour.

El palo de Mayo El Atlantico

My respects to all the people from the Atlantic side of Nicaragua, in my opinion, rhythm runs through their blood. El palo de Mayo, is an intense dance of lovemaking on the floor.
The music is contagious and your body moves to the beat. 

Street performances and music is performed by Dimension Costena:

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